Welcome To The NoPSN Repository of Apps!

Currently only supporting the Playstation 3 (PS3)

These apps have been patched to bypass PSN login from the system. This allows you to use the app without having to also have a PSN account, or having to login to one. There are mainly 2 types of patches. The 1st type is EBOOT/SPRX (any ELF) file patches, which directly edit the executable and repack the ELF. The 2nd type is patching any other file (usually JS/SDAT) that controls PSN login.

CFW consoles can use either package, while HAN users cannot use any app that has a modified EBOOT/SPRX file. PS3HEN can use most packages that are modified, as long as the binaries are signed for firmware 3.55. The HAN/OFW (etHANol) packages are available for some apps, which allow these consoles to also bypass PSN login prompts. All retail packages should install on HAN/OFW consoles without issue. PS3HEN packages can be used on HEN or CFW. HAN versions will work with HEN, but HEN versions will not work with HAN.

Donations are appreciated, and will be used for domain/hosting and keeping site updated.

[Original PKG: App-Here-v0.00.pkg / CFW PKG: App-Here-v0.00-NoPSN.pkg]

[HAN PKG: App-Here-v0.00-NoPSN-etHANol.pkg / HEN PKG: App-Here-v0.00-NoPSHEN.pkg]